Valtrex Generic (Valaciclovir)

Valtrex is an antiviral drug used to treat genital herpes, shingles and cold sores. It helps to slow down the spread of symptoms, giving your body’s natural defenses a chance to fight off the infection. Valtrex can help the symptoms associated with Herpes disappear upto 3 days quicker than normal. Valtrex is used to reduce the severity and the duration of outbreaks, by up to 3 days. Valtrex is prescribed for treatement of herpes outbreaks.

Mechanism of Action

Valtrex starts working within 24 hours of taking the first 500mg tablet. It will reduce the severity of the outbreak and the duration. Valtrex contains the active additive ingredient called ‘Valaciclovir’ that works by blocking a viral enzyme called DNA polymerase. The herpes viruses requires the DNA polymerase enzyme to replicate, so by blocking the enzyme it stops the infection from multiplying. This allows the bodies’ immune system to work

Side Effects

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal pain
  • Frequent headaches
  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Abnormalities in the stool
  • Chest pain
  • Tremor
  • Yellow eyes or skin

In some countries Valtrex, or its generic equivalents may be known as: Valaciclovir, Zelitrex, Viramixal, Viranet, Pervioral, Vadiral, Valavir, and Valherpes.

Disclaimer: The content on this page is provided solely for educational purposes. Please be aware that the information provided here is not intended as direct medical guidance for treatment; only a board-certified healthcare professional can prescribe medications. Ignoring medical advice from your doctor can lead to serious health risks. We urge users to approach this information with discretion.

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