Drug, Generic

Sildenafil Dosages 25, 50, 100mg: How to Use and Benefits

The various strengths of Sildenafil have specific advantages for the health and even can produce a positive effect on other medical conditions. Sildenafil 25mg Wonder capabilities of Sildenafil 25 mg start with its quality to assist men enduring from the loss of sexual function. A principle of Sildenafil action comes from its ability to interfere […]

cialis-daily 5mg use
Drug, Generic

Precautions and Benefits of Tadalafil 5mg Daily Use

Tadalafil 5 mg, also known as ‘new Tadalafil’, is a low dosage version (2.5 or 5 mg) to be taken every day. These pills are similar to the drug already known in higher doses, only changing the dose of the drug. The benefit may be less side effects and more ‘natural’ effectiveness because it does


Levitra Questions (Vardenafil Tablets, Generic)

How long do the effects of Levitra last? Before we get to know how long the effects of Levitra last, let’s take some time to see its action in detail. For Levitra it takes only about 25-60 minutes to start working, so take it when a sexual intercourse is planned. Does it last long enough


Prescription-Drug Open Borders

There are precious few policy positions that both Edward Kennedy and Trent Lott can unite behind. But the senators agree that Congress simply must contain the exploding prices of prescription drugs that can now cost ailing consumers an arm and a leg, maybe even literally. A bipartisan coalition of senators led by Democrat Byron Dorgan

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